Premises Liability FAQ
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 408-912-2217 today!
How much will it cost for me to work with a personal injury lawyer at your firm?
- The Law Offices of Caroline J. Nasseri offers free legal counsel to our premises liability clients in San Jose, California. After working in the field of personal injury law for many years, we are well aware of the fact that accidents and injuries of this nature often call for hefty out-of-pocket expenses to cover the medical costs of recovery. In a time that is already filled with stress, confusion, and financial burden, we are in no position to add to these worries. In fact, we would like to alleviate them.
- To help our clients feel both comfortable and confident with the legal services offered at our firm, we charge no upfront expenses for the legal services that we provide to our clients. Rather, we only ask for payment if / when we are successful in reaching a favorable verdict or settlement on your behalf. If, for some reason, you do not financially benefit from you case then neither will we. Additionally, we are prepared to assist in the payment of your medical treatment, thus ensuring that you can seek both the medical and legal help that you deserve at this time.
My friend was attacked at a concert venue. Is this a premises liability issue?
- In many cases, premises liability law can be used to address the needs and concerns of a person who was attacked at a concert venue, stadium, arena, or any other type of public place. The failure of a vicinity to provide adequate safety measures that would keep their guests protected in the event of an attack or disaster could be considered negligent, and thus punished as such.
- Premises liability law calls upon a person's duty to protect the other people on their property; when this protection is not taken, then serious injuries and even death could result on their property. In such cases, a premises liability case might be necessary in the aftermath of the accident.
If I was seriously injured at a house party, can I take legal action?
- Whether or not you can take legal action for an injury that was sustained at a house party will depend on a few different factors, one of which is if the accident could have been prevented. Like all other premises liability cases, if it can be proven that the accident occurred from a dangerous condition that should have been fixed prior to inviting guests to the house then the incident could be one for premises liability legal action.
- The success of your premises liability case could also depend on whether or not you were invited to the party. In some cases, a claim will be denied if it can be proven that the victim's injury was sustained while he or she was on the premises of another person who did not invite the victim into his or her home. These types of qualifiers can be better understood by speaking one-on-one with an injury lawyer from our firm, so call us today to learn more.
Is the owner of my apartment building required to install fire sprinklers in the building?
- All building owners and / or managers are required by law to provide a safe environment for their residents to live. Exercising reasonable care for the prevention of avoidable injuries is a duty of your building owner, and his or her failure to take adequate measures to ensure your safety could result in a case of premises liability.
- Acts of reasonable care for which your building owner should be held responsible include providing safe exit strategies that can be used in the case of an emergency; installing fire sprinklers that can be used in the case of a fire; securing locks on doors to keep residents safe from break-ins; and ensuring that the building is adequately lit to prevent falls.
My child was attacked on the campus of their university. Can I file a lawsuit against the college?
- One of the legal theories behind claims of premises liability is that of negligence, and negligence can be an important aspect of your case if you are attempting to sue a university or another type of school system for premises liability. In the case of an attack that occurred on a college campus, claims of negligence could be involved in your premises liability lawsuit.
- On more than one occasion, courts have found entities such as colleges and shopping malls liable for an attack that happened on their premises. The claim behind these types of cases usually rests with the idea that reasonable care was not exercised on the premises, thus allowing for an attack that might otherwise have been prevented.
- To win a lawsuit that is filed against a university for a campus attack, you must be able to prove that the college was negligent in the safety provisions that were provided to its students and residents. Past incidents of attacks and the types of safety precautions that were – or were not – provided at this time are two factors that can be used to determine negligence.
How do I know if I have a premises liability case?
- The legal theory behind claims of premises liability rests in the notion that the owner or occupier of any property on which an injurious accident has occurred should be held responsible for the damages that result. Generally speaking, any type of preventable accident that occurs on a property other than your own could be grounds for a premises liability claim in the state of California.
- Premises liability claims and lawsuits can vary from case to case and are dependent on circumstances that are specific to the accident that left you injured. Accordingly, an attorney should be involved in the matter early on in order to ensure that you are taking the appropriate legal steps given the conditions of your case. If you are unsure about whether or not you have a premises liability claim on your hands, then contact a lawyer from our firm without hesitation.
Need an attorney for a premises liability case in San Jose, CA?
Injuries and accidents of every nature can end catastrophically if the proper legal attention is not paid to them in a timely manner. If you were involved in an incident that you believe could qualify as a premises liability claim, then you should not wait to speak to a San Jose personal injury attorney from The Law Offices of Caroline J. Nasseri.
Any injury that is sustained on a property other than your own could warrant legal action through a premises liability claim, and a personal injury lawyer from our office is here to help you make this determination. Consultations at our law office are always free of charge, so don't wait to connect with a member of our team about your potential case.
Premises liability claims and lawsuits can be particularly difficult to understand if you do not have the legal assistance and professional knowledge of an attorney on your side. At The Law Offices of Caroline J. Nasseri you can find the exact help you need if you wish to take legal action of any kind after being injured on a property that is not your own.
To help you better understand the types of situations that are typically pursued under premises liability law, we have provided answers to many of the questions that we receive most commonly from clients of our firm. If, after reading through these questions and answers, you are still unsure about conditions that are specific to your case, then don't hesitate to contact us for additional information.
More questions? We have more answers!
We recognize that the questions and answers shown above might not reflect a similar scenario to the situation in which you were involved. For this reason, we invite you to contact our office and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with an attorney from our firm. We are here to help in whatever way possible.